Welcome to Cec's Book Review Blog! Here you'll find reviews of various books that I've read (or attempted to get through) with my honest thoughts (which can be very "Cecily") and rankings (out of 5 stars). Enjoy!
I have to start my book review blog with this book. It's written by Julia Quinn (which is really her pen name) who happens to be a parent of a former student of mine (and possibly a future student of mine). She's a wonderful lady and you would never know that she's the author of over 20 romance novels. This is her latest one that I picked up a few weeks ago. I finished it in 2 days. While it wasn't her best one, it was pretty good. It's not your typical trashy romance novel, but has a pretty clever plot with some hysterical moments throw in. You really get to know the characters, and although you know they end up falling in love, your heart melts a bit when it happens. Even better, the main character has a friend with my first name! I'm in a romance novel! =) 5 out of 5 stars.
Which book was her best? I am going to the library so may pick it up.