Friday, July 15, 2011

Seattle Girl by Lucy Kevins

Book #4: While looking for books to upload on my Kindle, I saw this book. It sounded like a fun, light read, and it was less than $2, so I bought it. It was super easy to read. Great read for a vacation. Pretty predictable, but I like those when I'm in the mood for easy reading. Definitely not a keeper (I've already deleted it from my Kindle), not sure if I'd recommend it. It was worth the $2 though. =) 2 1/2 out of 5 stars.

*ps: I didn't read this book all in one day (even if I finished the cake book yesterday). I have a tendency to read a number of books at once. I think right now I'm reading 4 other books.

1 comment:

  1. Just got caught up on your book reviews so far:) You're a pretty tough critic! I'm trying to do more reading, so I'll look forward to some more positive reviews!
